Saturday, December 19, 2009

Star Snowflake #2

Star Snowflake #2
Designed by Katheryn Garner
Dec. 16, 2009
Thread: size 10, Aunt Lydia crochet cotton
Hook: #10 Boye
Size: 4 1/2"
Skill: Easy
Directions: Ch 4, sl st to join in 1st ch st.
Rnd. 01. Ch 1, 10 sc in ring.
Rnd. 02. * Ch 5, skip 1 sc, sc in next sc, repeat around
ending with ch 2, dc in base of ch 5.
Rnd. 03. Ch 5, dc in same join. * Ch 5 dc in 3rd ch st of
next ch 5 space, ch 2 dc in same st. Ch 5 *
repeat around ending with ch 5, sl st in 3rd ch of beg
ch 5.
Rnd. 04. Sl st into ch 2 sp, ch 3, 2 dc ch 2
3 dc, in lst ch 2 space. *ch 6, 3 dc ch 2, 3 dc in next
ch 2 space,* repeat around ending with ch 6 join with sl
st in top of ch 3.
Rnd. 05. Sl st over to the ch 2 sp. ch 3, 2 dc in ch 2 sp.
*ch 7, sl st in the 4th ch from hook,( this is first picot)
make a ch 5 picot, ch 4 picot
in the same st as the 1st picot.
ch 3, 3 dc in same ch 2 sp. ch 4, sc around last two ch spaces, ch 4,
skip next 3 dc, 3 dc in ch 2 sp,* repeat around ending with ch 4, sl st
join in top of ch 3.
Finish off, starch, and block

Friday, December 18, 2009

Royal Snowflake

Royal Snowflake
Designed by: Katheryn Garner
Dec. 16, 2009
Supplies: size 10 Aunt Lydia Cotton Thread
Color: White
Hook: #10
Size: 4 1/2"
Skill: Easy
Directions: Ch 4, sl st to join.
Rnd. 01. Ch 1, 10 sc in ring sl st to join in 1st sc.
Rnd. 02. Ch 3 sc in same as st as join, *ch 3, sc in next st, ch 3,
sc in same st* repeat around, ending with ch 1, dc in
base of ch 3. ( 20 ch 3 spaces )
Rnd. 03. Ch 10, sc in same ch 3 sp, *sc in next ch 3 sp,
sc, ch 10, sc in next ch 3 sp* repeat around,
ending with sc in last ch 3 sp, sl st in base of
1st ch 10 sp. ( 10 ch 10 spaces )
Rnd. 04. . 10 sc around 1st ch 10 space, 10 sc down left
side of 2nd ch 10 space ( it will look like a heart )sc
in sc between ch 10 spaces.
repeat around each ch 10 space. You will have
5 heart look shapes with sc in between
Rnd. 05. *Sc in next 3 sc, (ch 2, sc in next st), repeat 2 times,
ch 4, skip next 4 sc, dtrc in between ch 10 sp, ch 4 picot, ch 5 picot,
ch 4 picot in top of dtrc st, ch 4 skip 4 sc, ( sc, ch 2), repeat 2 times,
sc in last 2 sc, skip next sc * repeat around
Finish off, starch and block
Note: This will be a bit ruffled, but will flatten when blocked.

KG Snowflake

KG Snowflake
Designed by: Katheryn Garner
Dec. 16, 2009
Supplies: size 10 Aunt Lydia cotton thread
Color: White
Hook: #10 Boye
Skill: Easy
Size: 3 1/2"

Directions: Ch 3, 9 dc in 3rd. ch from hook, sl st to join (ch 3 counts as 1st dc) 10 dc
Rnd. 01. Ch 3, 4dc in same st, *ch 2, skip 1 st, 5 dc in next st* repeat around, ending ch 1, dc in top of ch 3.
Rnd. 02. Ch 8, skip 1 dc, dc in the next dc, skip the next 2 dc, * ch 5, dc in next sp, ch 5, skip 2 dc, dc in next dc *
repeat around ending with ch 5, sl st in 3rd ch of ch 8.
Rnd. 03 Ch 8, sl st in 4th ch from hook, (counts as 1st picot) ch 5 picot, ch 4 picot in same ch st.
* ch 4, sc in next space, ch 4, dtrc in next dc, ch 4 picot, ch 5 picot, ch 4 picot in top of dtrc *
repeat around, ending with ch 4, sc in next sp, ch 4 sl st in top of ch 4.
Finish off
Starch and Block

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Better Image of the Snowflakes

This shows them in better detail.

3 Newest Snowflakes

Will get the directions printed up as soon as I can. Click on
picture to see closer image.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Revised Snowflake.... FREE

This is the same design as the " Splattered in the Snow". I just changed it a bit.
I like it much better now. It is now 3 1/2 inches instead of the 4 1/2, and over all it is much smaller. As with the other picture just click on the picture it will take you to the full size copy. Then right click with you mouse, and choose copy, then go to your printer and print out. It will come out original size.
Hope you are enjoying my little snowflake collection.

Track's In The Snow...........Free

Click on picture, and you can get full size.
Hope you are enjoying my little Snowflakes
as much as I am creating them. Right click
with your mouse, and click on copy, then print.
and you will get original pattern.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Twinkle Little Star Snowflake 11-05-09

Twinkle Little Star Snowflake
Designed by Katheryn Garner

Material: # 10 Aunt Lydia Crochet Cotton
Color: White
Hook: Boye #7


Ch 4, join with a sl st in 1st ch st to form a ring.

Rnd: 01. Ch 1,sc in ring, sc in ring 9 times, sl st to join in lst sc.

Rnd. 02. Ch 1, sc in same as join, *ch 5, skip 1 sc, sc in next sc,
ch 5,* repeat 3 times, ch 2, dc in sc st at beg. of round.

Rnd: 03. Ch 1, sc around post of join, * ch 4, picot in sc, ch 5 picot, ch 4 picot in same sc. ch 5,
skip 2 ch sts, sc in next,* ending ch 2, dc in sc at beg of round.

Rnd: 04. Ch 1, sc around post of join, * ch 10, sc in 3rd ch st of next ch 5 space,* repeat around
ending ch 5, dtrc in dc at beginning join.

Rnd: 05. ch 1, sc around post of join, make a 3 joined picot as follows, ch 4 picot, ch 6 picot
ch 4 picot in sc of join, in same space, sc, hdc, 2dc, trc, 2dc, hdc, sc in same
space, *in next ch 10 loop work, sc, hdc, 2dc, trc, 2dc, hdc, sc,
3 joined picot as follows, ch 4 picot, ch 6 picot, ch 4 picot,
sc, hdc, 2dc, trc, 2dc, hdc, sc, all in same loop.* Repeat around
join in sc at beg of round. Finish off

Twinkle Little Star Beaded Snowflake

Material: Aunt Lydia #10 Bedspread Cotton
Hook: # 7 Boye
Beads: 30 beads size 10/0


Chain 4, join with a sl st in 1st ch st to make a ring.

Rnd: 01. ch 1, sc in ring, sc 9 times in ring, join in sc.

Rnd: 02. Ch 1, sc in same as join, * ch 5, skip 1 sc, sc in next sc, ch 5* repeat 3 times,
join with ch 2, dc in sc at beg. of round.

Rnd: 03. Ch 1, sc around post of dc join,
*ch 2, bead sc, ch 1, sl st in sc at join,
ch 2, bead sc, ch1, sl st in sc at join,
ch 2, bead sc, ch 1, sl st in sc at join.
ch 5, skip 2 ch sts of the next ch 5 loop, sc in next ch st., ch 5*,
repeat around,
join with ch2, dc in beg sc.

For a small Snowflake you can finish off here.

Rnd: 04. Ch 1. sc in same as join, *ch 10, skip 3 ch sts in next ch 5 loop, sc in next ch st,*
repeat around, join with ch 5, dtrc in sc at beg of round.

Rnd: 05. ch 1, sc around post of join,
make a 3 joined picot as follows,
ch 2, bead sc, ch 1, sl st in beg sc.
ch 3, bead sc, ch 2, sl st in beg sc,
ch 2, bead sc, ch 1, sl st in beg sc,
in same space, sc, hdc, 2dc, trc, 2dc, hdc, sc space,
* in next ch 10 space work, sc, hdc, 2dc, trc, 2dc, hdc, sc,
3 joined picot as follows,
ch 2, bead sc, ch 1, sl st in last sc,
ch 3, bead sc, ch 2, sl st in last sc,
ch 2, bead sc, ch 1, sl st in sc.
in same space, sc, hdc, 2dc, trc, 2dc, hdc, sc, all in same loop.*
Repeat around
join in sc at beg of round. Finish off

Starch, and block.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Flower's in the Snow

Corrections have been made to this design by Katheryn Garner 10-27-09
Material list:
Small amt. of white #10 Aunt Lydia Crochet cotton,
# 7 Boye hook.

Finished size: 4 1/2"

Special Stitches:

3 joined picot: (Chain 4, sl st in last sc st made, ch 6, sl st in same sc st, ch 4, sl st in same sc st).
Picot: (ch 4, sl st in last sc st made).
Cluster St: ( holding last loop on hook of 3 dtrc, thread over hook and pull through all loops on hook).
DTR: double triple crochet st (thread over hook 3 times)
Trc st: 2 loops over hook


Chain 5, join to make a ring, or do the magic ring if you prefer.

Rnd. 01. Ch 7, sc in ring, repeat 4 more times, ending with ch 3, trc in ring to join. ( 6 ch 7 loops in ring )

Rnd. 02. *Ch 6, sc in same loop, ch 6 sc in next loop, ch 6, sc in same loop*. Repeat around ending with ch 6, join in base of 1st ch 6 loop. (6 ch loops, and 6 ch spaces).

Rnd. 03. * 5 hdc in first ch 6 loop*, repeat around. ( 12 loops with 5 hdc each around)

Rnd. 04. Sl st in next 3 hdc sts *Ch 6, 3 dtr cl st in same place as beginning ch 6, ch 6, sc in same place as beginning ch 6, sc in next 10 hdc sts.* repeat around. ending with, sc in same st as first ch 6, to join.

Rnd. 05. *7 sc around ch 6, sc in top of cl st, 3 joined picot in sc st at the top of the cluster st, ( refer to Special Stitches) 7 sc around next ch 6, sc in same place as first ch 6, ch 5, skip 4 sc sts, sc in next sc st, picot, (refer to Special Stitches) ch 5, sc in same place as ch 6.* Repeat around, ending with sc in same place as first ch 6. Finish off.

Starch, and Block

You can copy for personal use, and can link back to this pattern. You can make as many of these snowflakes to sell as you want to, but do not sell copies of pattern.

Designed by Katheryn Garner

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Christmas Star Snowflake Free Pattern

Christmas Star Snowflake

Designed by: Katheryn Garner

October 9-09

Material list: #10 thread, #7 Boye hook
Finished size: 4 inches
Skill level: Easy

Special Stitches: sc, dc, trc, cluster st, picot

Triple Crochet St: 2 loops over hook, work off 2 loops, 3 times.

Beg. Cluster Stitch: Chain 4, (leaving last trc loop on hook, thread over hook, and pull through all loops.) make 4 trc.

Cluster Stitch: 5 trc in same place, leaving last trc loop on hook, leaving last loop trc stitch on hook, thread over, and pull through all loops.

Directions: Chain 4, join in first chain st,

Rnd 01: Chain 3, ( counts as 1st dc ), 11 dc in ring. Join in top of chain 3. ( 12 dc in ring)

Rnd 02: Ch 1, sc in same place as join. *Chain 4, skip 1 double crochet, sc in next double crochet.* Repeat around join in ch 1. ( 6 chain 4 loops )

Rnd 03: Sl St in chain 4 space, Ch 3, 4 dc in same ch 4 space, *chain 2, 5 dc in next ch 4 space,* repeat around, chain 2, join in top of ch 3.

Rnd. 04: Chain 4, counts as first trc, holding last loop of each trc on hook, make 4 trc over next 4 dc sts, thread over, and pull through all 5 loops on hook. ( first trc cluster st,) * chain 4, trc in chain 2 space.

Make 3, chain 4 picots on top of trc st

Chain 4, 5 trc cluster st over next 5 dc,* repeat from * to * around, ending with chain 4, trc in last ch 2 space, make 3 chain 4 picots, ch 4, join in 1st cluster st.

Rnd. 05. ch 1 sc in same as join, Chain 7 * sc in 2nd picot of the 3 picot group, ch 4, picot, ch 6, picot, ch 4 picot in top of last sc, chain 7 sc in top of cluster st. chain 7* repeat aroud ending with ch 7, join in sc at beginning.

Note: Designed by Katheryn Garner, all rights to this design belong to Katheryn Garner. Do not copy pattern to another site without permission, you may link back.

Doodling with my beads and hook again!

Star Bead Snowflake

Star Bead Snowflake
Designed by: Katheryn Garner
October 09, 09

Material list:
Size 10 thread, #7 Boye hook
42 Beads

Finished size 3 1/2 inch

Special Stitches: sc, dc, trc, cluster st, picot, chain bead, single bead St.

Triple Crochet St: 2 loops over hook, work off 2 loops, 3 times.

Beg. Cluster Stitch: Chain 4, (leaving last trc loop on hook, thread over hook, and pull through all loops.) make 4 trc.

Cluster Stitch: 5 trc in same place, leaving last trc loop on hook, thread over, and pull through all loops.

Bead Chain St: Pull bead down to hook, thread over hook, and pull through.

Bead Single St: ( insert hook from back of stitch, thread over, pull through to the front, pull bead down to hook, thread over and complete single stitch.)

Directions: Chain 4, join in first chain st,

Rnd 01: Chain 3, ( counts as 1st dc ), 11 dc in ring. Join in top of chain 3.

Rnd 02: Ch 1, bsc in same place as join. *Chain 4, skip 1 double crochet, bsc in next double crochet.* Repeat around join in ch 1. ( 6 beads )

Rnd 03: Sl St in chain 4 space, Ch 3, 4 dc in same ch 4 space, *2 bead chain Sts, 5 dc in next ch 4 space,* repeat around, ending with 2 bead chain sts, join in top of ch 3. ( 12 beads )

Rnd. 04: Chain 4, counts as first trc, holding last loop of each trc on hook, make 4 trc over next 4 dc sts, thread over, and pull through all 5 loops on hook. ( first trc cluster st,) *1 bead chain st on top of cluster st, chain 4, trc in between the 2 beads,

Make 3 picots on top of trc st, as follows:
1st. picot: ch 1, bead chain, ch 2, picot. = same as ch 4 picot
2nd. picot: ch 2, bead chain, ch 3, picot = same as ch 6 picot
3rd. picot: ch 1, bead chain, ch 2, picot = same as ch 4 picot

Chain 4, 5 trc cluster st over next 5 dc* repeat from * to * around, ending with chain 4 join in 1st cluster st. (24 beads)

Note: Designed by Katheryn Garner, all rights to this design belong to Katheryn Garner. Do not copy pattern to another site without permission, you may link back.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Missouri Snowflake Free pattern

Materials: size 10 thread, white, cro tat hook
Special stitches:
ch, SC, sl St, ds, p, close ring
To begin: Chain 4, join to make a ring.
Rnd. 01: Ch 6, SC in ring, repeat 4 times, sl St to join in first ch of ch 6. sl St
back in last ch 6 space. ( 5 ch. 6 spaces )
Rnd. 02: *ch 3, make a ring of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, close ring, chain 3, sl St in ch 6
sp., ch 3, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, close ring, ch 3, sl St in same sp. Ch 1, 6 ds, close
ring, ch 1, sl St in next ch 6 sp. * Repeat from * to * around, join. Finish off
(10- p rings, and 5- 6ds rings)
Rnd: 03: Join with sl St to picot to right. * ch 3, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, close ring, ch 3,
Page 1 of 2
sl in next p, ch 3, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, close ring, ch 3, skip next 6 ds ring, sl St in
next p,* repeat around, from * to * join in first sl St. Finish off
(10-p, rings, 20 ch 3's)
Rnd: 04: join with sl St, * ch 3, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, close ring, ch 3, repeat 2 times,
sl St in same p, ch 3, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, close ring, ch 3, sl St in next p,* repeat
around. Finish off, starch and block.