Saturday, August 8, 2015

Bruges Lace Doily..... Free

                                         BRUGES LACE
                                  Designed by Katheryn Garner
                                              July 2015

Supplies:  1 ball of cotton thread size 10,  size 7 Boyle hook

Stitches: ch, sl st, dc, trc,

V St.: dc, ch 2, dc

Bruges Lace join: sl st in first 3 ch sts, and into the first dc on left. dc in same St. pull loop on hook to back
through dc on the right, dc in next dc on the left, continue this until you have all dc's on the left, and sl sts on the right to
correspond.  Continue with pattern.

Skill:  Intermediate

DIRECTIONS:    ch 6, join with sl st in 1st ch to form a ring.

Rnd. 01:  ch 3, dc 17 times in ring, join in top of beg ch 3.   (18 dc)

Rnd. 02:  ch 3, dc in same St as the ch 3. * 2 dc in each St around*  join in beg ch 3.  ( 36 dc)

Rnd. 03:  ch 1, SC in same St as join. *ch 5,  skip 2 sts, sc in next st.* repeat around to last 2 sts, ch 2, dc in 1st sc,  that
forms the last ch 5 sp.  (12 ch 5 spaces)

Rnd. 04:  ch 1, sc around post of dc.  * ch 5, sc in 3rd ch of next ch 5 sp. *  repeat around ending with ch 2, dc in 1st sc  to
form the last ch 5 sp.  ( 12 ch 5 spc)

Rnd. 05:  Ch 1,  SC around dc post. * ch 7 sc in 3rd ch of ch 5*  repeat around join in 1st sc.

Rnd. 06:  Sl St into the 1st ch 7 sp. ch 4, make 7 trc in same sp, * 8 trc in ea sp around* join in the 4th ch of ch 4.  (96 trc)

Rnd. 07: ch 1, sc in join, * ch 4, skip 2 trc, sc in next trc* repeat around to last 2 trc, ch 1, dc in beg sc to make last ch sp.

Rnd. 08: ch 1, SC around post of dc, ch 11, dc in 5th ch from hook and the next 3 ch's ( do not work over the last 3 ch's )
 * ch 3 sl st in next ch 4 sp, ch 3, turn work, dc in next 4 dc, ch 4, turn, dc in next 4 dc,* repeat around ending with ch 3, sl st in beg ch 3, and the  3 ch sts, and into the 1st dc, dc in same st, pull your last loop on hook through the dc on the right side to the back, dc in the 2nd dc
on the left, and repeat in all dc's to the top.  (This completed your 1st Bruges Lace round.) 

Rnd. 09: sl st over to the 1st ch 4 sp, ch 1, SC in same space.  ch 5, SC in next ch 4 sp, repeat around ending with ch 2, dc in beg sc.

Rnd. 10:  ch 1, sc around post of dc. * ch 6, sc in next sp*  repeat around ending with ch 2, trc in beg sc.

Rnd. 11: ch 1, SC around dc post, * ch 7, SC in next sp*, repeat around ending with ch 7 join in 1st sc.  

Rnd. 12: sl st in next ch 7 sp., ch 4, 6 trc in same sp. * 7 trc, in next sp.* repeat around, join in top of ch 4.

Rnd. 13: ch 1, SC in same St as join. * ch 4 skip 3 trc, sc in next trc* repeat around to last 3 ch sts, ch 1, dc in beg sc, this forms the last ch sp.

Rnd. 14: ch 1, SC around post of dc, ch 13, dc in 6th ch from hook and the next 4 ch's ( do not work over the last 3 ch's )
 * ch 3 sl St in next ch  sp, ch 3, turn work, dc in next 5 dc, ch 5, turn, dc in next 5 dc,* repeat around ending with ch 3, sl St in beg sc to join,
sl St in the beg 3 ch sts, and into the 1st dc, dc in same St, pull your last loop on hook through the dc on the right side to the back, dc in the 2nd dc
on the left, and repeat in all dc's to the top.  (This completed your 2nd Bruges Lace round.) 

Rnd. 15:  sl st over to ch 5 sp. ch 1, SC in same sp. * ch 5, SC in next sp,* repeat around ending with ch 2, dc in 1st sc at beg of round. 

Rnd. 16: ch 1, SC around dc post. * ch 6, sc in next ch 5 sp.*  repeat around ending with ch 2, trc in 1st SC. 

Rnd. 17:  ch 1, SC around trc post. * ch 7, SC in ch 6 sp.* repeat around, join in 1st SC at beg of round.

Rnd. 18:  Ch 5, ( counts as 1st dc, and ch 2 ) (dc, ch 2) 2 x, trc, (ch 2, dc) 3x in beg sp. vst in next sp. *(dc, ch 2) 3x, trc, (ch 2, dc) 3x,
Vst. in next sp* repeat from * to * around, join in 3rd ch. of ch 5.

Finish Off,   
To make a neat finish off work with no bump as following:  sl st to join, turn, pull loop through next st to back, ch 2, cut thread, and tighten down to the row.  Work tail into the round.

Note:  For personal use only, do not copy and paste in any email, group, or blog without my permission.  You can link back to the pattern.