Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spiro Snowflake


Designed by Katheryn


Supplies: size 7 Boyle hook, # 10 cotton thread
Sts: sl st, sc, dc, dtr, picot.
Picot: ch 3, sl st in last sc made
Joined Picot: ch 3, sl st in last sc, ch 4 sl st in same sc, ch 3 sl st in same sc.


Rnd. 01: Ch 3, 9 dc in 3rd ch from hook, sl st to join in 3rd ch of beg ch 3. (10 dc)

Rnd. 02: Ch 10, sc in 2nd ch from hook, (3 sc in next ch st) repeat 7 times. sc in same as join. * sc in next 2 dc's, ch 10, sc in 2nd ch from hook, (3 sc in next ch st) repeat 7 times, sc in same dc. * repeat from * to * around. ending with sc in last dc.

( 5 spiro's, and 5 sc)

Rnd. 03: Ch. 7, sc in tip of first spiro, ( make sure you have it twist 3 times)* ch 5, sc in same st. ch 7, sc in next sc between spiro's. ch 4, turn, dc in 4th ch st of last ch 7 made. ch 2 turn, dtr in same sc as ch 4. ch 3, sc in next spiro* repeat from * to *, ending with ch 7, sc in same sc as first ch 7, ch 4, turn, dc in 4th ch of ch 7, turn ch 2 sl st in 4th ch of beg ch 7.

Rnd. 04: sl st into next space ch 1, 3 sc in space, *3 sc in ch 5 space, (make a 3 joined picot in the last sc. as follow ( ch 3 picot, ch 4 picot, ch 3 picot) 2 sc in same space. (3 sc, picot in next space) repeat 2 times. 3 sc in next space* repeat from * to * join in 1st sc. finish off,

Stiffen with a small amt of water and white glue mixed, block

You may link back here, this pattern is for personal use, and is not to be sold.

Katheryn Garner

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Towel Ring

Designed by Katheryn Garner
November 24-2010


Cotton Yarn
H hook
4" ring


Rnd. 01: Sl st into ring, ch 3, 9 dc in ring, sc, *( ch 3, 3 dc, sc )* repeat 14 times, from * to *, sl st in 3rd ch of beg. ch 3 to join. Ch 2 turn.
Rnd. 02: * (dc in next 9 dc, ch 2 turn).* repeat from * to * 5 times Ch 2 turn.
Rnd. 03: Dc in next 7 dc, dc dec over the last two dc sts. ch 2 turn
Rnd. 04: Dc in next 6 dc, dc dec over the last two dc sts. ch 2 turn
Rnd. 05: Dc in next 5 dc, dc dec over last 2 dc, ch 2 turn
Rnd. 06: Dc in next 4 dc, dc dec over last 2 dc, ch 2 turn
Rnd. 07: Dc in next 3 dc, dc dec over last 2 dc, ch 2 turn
Rnd. 08: Skip next dc, in next dc work 2 dc, trc, 2 dc, skip next dc, ch 2, sl st in top st of round 7 .

Sew on button, slip between dc sts to close on any row of your choice.
Dish Towel and Pot Holder patterns are below in another post.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dishcloth and Potholder set

Dishcloth, and Potholder set
Designed by: Katheryn Garner
Oct. 24, 2010


1 ball of Peaches and Creme cotton yarn
H hook
Color: Sunflower
Size: Dishcloth 9 x 9.50


Rnd. 01: Chain 31, sc in second ch from hook ( 30 sc sts ) ch. 2 turn.
(ch 2 counts as the first dc in each rnd.....Dc in ch 2 at end of each rnd.

Rnd. 02: * Dc in front loop of the next sc, dc in the back loop of the next sc,*
repeat from * to * across row to last sc, dc in the last sc. Ch. 2, turn ( 30 dc )

Rnd. 03: * Dc in back loop of next dc, dc in front loop of next dc, * repeat from * to * across row, ch 2 turn. ( 30 dc )

Rnd. 04: * Dc in front loop of next dc, dc in back loop of next dc, * repeat from * to * across row, ch 2 turn. ( 30 dc )

Rnd. 05: ( repeat round 3 & 4 ) 6 times ( 14 rnd.'s )

Rnd. 06: ch 1 turn, 2 sc in first dc, and across next 29 dc, 3 sc in last dc. Do not turn.

Working down left side single crochet in each end row and around dc post to end. 3 single crochets in 1st chain at bottom, and sc in each ch st to last ch st, 3 sc in last sc. Turn working up right side repeat as before, sl st in first sc of the corner 3 sc to join. Finish off..

Note: Keep a count of stitches in each rnd.

Potholder: Make 2


1 ball of Peaches and Creme cotton yarn
H hook
Color: Forest Green
Size: 6 x 6.50"

Rnd. 01: Chain 21, hdc in 2nd ch from hook,  and each ch across row*. ( 20 hdc ) Ch 1 turn

Rnd. 02: * hdc in 1st hdc, and each hdc across row, ch 1 turn. Continue working rnd 02 until you have 15 rows.

Rnd. 03: Placing these squares back to back single crochet these two squares together crocheting 3 sc in each corner, ending with ch 5, sl st to make a loop for hanging. Finish off..

Note: keep a count of stitches in each rnd.

Katheryn Garner

Monday, October 18, 2010


Picture #1, how to work dropped st into row.
Picture # 2 how to join yarn.


Designed by: Katheryn Garner

Material: Small amt. of 3 balls of Cotton yarn
Hook: H/ 5.00 mm
Gauge: not important

Size: 8 x 8.5"

Skill: Easy

Colors: A: Camel B. Peppercorn Ombre

Special stitches: Single crochet in one loop of each single crochet through out the pattern. ( the loop always facing you )

Joined new yarn: (Leaving two loops on hook, pull new yarn through with a loop, working tail of new yarn into the row). See Picture # 2
How to work slanted pulled up yarn into row. See Picture #1


Rnd: 01. With color A. (Camel ) Ch. 25, turn sc in loop of 2nd ch. st. from hook, and each ch. st. across row. Ch 1, Turn
( 24 sc. on each row through out the pattern) Keep count of each round.

Rnd: 02. Sc. in 1st sc (Back loop facing you), and in each sc. st. across row. Ch. 1 Turn.

Rnd: 03. Sc in 1st sc. ( Front loop facing you) pull up loop in 2nd sc, (two loops on hook) drop color A. ( do not cut yarn ), join color B.
with a loop through the two loops on hook, working over tail of joined color B. sc in next 19 sc, pull up loop in the next st , join color A ( second ball ) with a loop working over the last two sc sts. Ch 1, Turn

Rnd: 04. Sc in 1st sc. pull up a loop in next sc, ( drop color A yarn to back) pull dropped Color B through the two loops on the hook, ( you will notice the pulled up color B will look slanted, with your hook to the right of that slanted st go under that yarn, and through the sc st loop to make your next sc.) Continue sc with color B to within the last 2 sts., drop color B, pull up color A, and sc in the last two sts. Ch 1 turn

Rnd: 05. Continue working each round as round 4 until your cloth measures the length you would like it, or for total from beginning 23 rows.

Rnd: 06: You should be working with color A at the end of round 23.
You can cut Color B here, but leave enough length to weave into cloth. Ch 1, Turn continue with color A across the 24 sc sts. You can cut the 2nd color A at this point, but leave enough yarn to weave into the cloth, Ch 1 turn with working color A, sc in next 23 sts. 3 sc in last st on row, working down the left side facing sc in each end row to the bottom, at the bottom will be your beginning chain row. Work 3 sc in lst ch st. sc in next 22 ch sts, 3 sc in last ch st. Working up the other side, sc in each end row, and 3 sc in first sc at top, sc in each sc across row, sl st to join in 1st sc of 3 sc group. Finish off, work in lose ends.

Hope you enjoy this pattern, it is actually easy to make.
Please do not share a copy of this pattern with any group without my permission. Please link back here.
If you find any errors I am only human.


Saturday, October 16, 2010


1 Ball of cotton yarn
H hook
Finished size 8"x8"
Skill: Beginner

1st rnd: Ch 25, turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 23 ch sts. ch 1 turn. (24 sc in each row )

2nd. rnd: Sc in back loop of lst sc st, and each sc across row, chain 1 turn.

3rd. rnd: Sc in front loop of lst sc, and each sc across row.

4th. rnd: Repeat round 2-3 until your cloth measures 8" length. Finish off

Edging: With last row facing you, join yarn in last sc, 3 sc in same place as join. Working down left side of cloth, sc in each end row to the bottom, 3 sc in 1st ch st. sc in next 22 sc, and 3 sc in last ch st. DO not turn, working up the right side sc in each row to top. 3 sc in first sc, and 1 sc in each sc across row. sl st in 1st sc of the 3sc group at beginning. Finish off....

These directions are from memory, so there may be mistkes in the directions.
I am only human, and I've only one eye open this late. LOL
Hope you enjoy this dishcloth... It was inspired by a dear friend that gifted me with a single crochet dishcloth, although our cloth's are different.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Water Lily
Designed by: Katheryn Garner ©July 2006
Size 10 crochet thread
Colors pink and yellow
Size 7 hook
Basic stitches
ch, sl st, dc, hdc, sc
Special instructions: work in front loop of each
Rnd 1: With pink: Chain 4, sl st in first ch to form a
ring, ch 1, 8 sc in ring, join in first sc. *ch 12, sc in 3rd ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in
next 6 chains, hdc in next ch st, 1 sc in last ch, sl st in next sc on ring.* repeat from * to
* 8 more times, sl st in base of last half Petal made (9 half Petals) Do not turn
Rnd 2: * Sc in first sc on first half Petal, hdc in next hdc, dc in next 6 dc, hdc in next
hdc , 1 sc in next sc, then sc in top of Petal, ch 2 and sl st in same st, sl st down side and
into base of Petal, *repeat from * to * 8 more times Do not turn, working on back of
Rnd 3: Ch 1, *sl st in center of first Petal near the base of the Petal, ch 3 *, repeat from
* to * all around, sl st in first ch 1.
Rnd 4: Sl st in ch 3 space, chain 12, 1 sc in 3rd ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next
6 chains, hdc in next ch, 1 sc in last ch, sl st in same ch 3 sp as beginning ch 12, repeat
all around.
Rnd 5: *Sc in first sc on first half Petal, hdc in next hdc, dc in next 6 dc, hdc in next hdc,
1 sc in next sc, then sc in top of Petal, ch 2 and sl st in same st, sl st down side, and in st
between Petal, * repeat from * to * 8 more times. Do not turn, working on back of Petals
Rnd 6: ch 1, * sl st in center of first Petal near the base of the petal, ch 3 *, repeat
from * to * all around, sl st in first ch 1.
Rnd 7: Sl st in ch 3 space, chain 12, 1 sc in 3rd ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next
6 chains, hdc in next ch, 1 sc in last ch, sl st in same ch 3 sp as beginning ch 12, repeat
all around.
Rnd 8: * Sc in first sc on first half Petal, hdc in next hdc, dc in next 6 dc, hdc in next
hdc, 1 sc in next sc, then sc in top of Petal, ch 2 and sl st in same st, sl st down side and
in st between Petal, repeat from * to * 8 more times
Finish off.
Rnd 1: With yellow, ch 4, join to make a ring.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, 7 sc in ring, join.
Rnd 3: Ch 10, make 2 joined dc in 3rd ch from hook, (2 joined dc: thread over pull
through ch, thread over then pull through two loops leaving the last loop on the hook,
repeat this once again, then thread over and pull through all 3 loops on hook,) sc to close
the joined 2 dc, sl st in same st, continue to sl st in each remaining st to base of ch. sl st
in next sc, repeat around, sl st in last sc, finish off. (you should have 7 stamen stems.)
Attach stamen in center of Water Lily.
Note: I leave about 2 inches at my beginning chain, and finish off with about 2 inches
then center the stamen in the Water Lily pull the thread through and tie off in back.
NOTE: The motif was not designed by Katheryn Garner, only the Water Lily.
The Motif is from the Rambler Rose design.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Spring" Free Coasters

" SPRING" coaster
Designed by: Katheryn Garner
March 1, 2010


Size 10 crochet cotton,
#7 Boye hook
Color A: Spring colors
Color B: Creme

Size: 4 3/4"

Skill: Easy

Stitches: ch, dc, hdc, sc, sl st

Directions: Beg. with color A. Ch 4, sl st in first ch to form a ring.

Rnd. 01: Ch 1, 12 sc in ring. Join with a sl st in l st sc.

Rnd. 02: Ch 4, (counts as 1st dc, and ch 1) dc in same join. * ch 1, dc ch 1 in next sc., dc ch 1 dc in next sc* repeat from * to * around ending with ch 1 dc ch 1. sl st in ch 3 of ch 4. ( 18 dc, 18 ch 1 sps. )

Rnd. 03: Ch 1, 2 sc in next ch 1 space. * 2 sc in each ch 1 space around. Skip beg ch 1, and sl st in lst sc. ( 36 sc )

Rnd. 04: Ch 4 ( counts as 1st dc, and ch 1 ) dc, ch 1 in each sc around. Ending with sl st in ch 3 of ch 4 ( 36 dc, 36 sc )

Rnd. 05: Ch 1, 2 sc in next ch 1 space, * 2 sc in each ch 1 sp. around. Skip beg ch 1, sl st in lst sc. ( 72 sc ) Finish off

Rnd. 06: Join color B: Ch 3, dc in next sc, and in each sc around. Join in top of ch 3. ( 72 dc) Finish off

Rnd. 07: Join color A: Ch 3, (counts as 1st dc), dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same as join. * Ch 3, skip 3 dc, sc in next dc. Ch 3 skip 3 dc work 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in next dc * Repeat from * to * around, join in top of ch 3.

Rnd. 08: Sl st to ch 1 sp. Ch 3, dc, ch 1, 2 dc in lst ch 1 sp. * [ch 3, sc in lst ch 3 sp] repeat 1 time. ch 3, 2 dc, ch1, 2 dc in next ch 1 sp. * repeat from * to * around ending with sl st in top of ch 3 to join.

Rnd. 09: Sl st to ch 1 sp. Ch 3, dc, ch 1, 2 dc in lst ch 1 sp. *Ch 2, sc in next ch 3 space, ch 2, dc in next ch 3 sp. Ch 2 sc in next ch 3 space, Ch 2 work 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in next ch 1 sp.* repeat from * to * around join with sl st in top of ch 3.

Rnd. 10: Join color B. l hdc in first two dc, ch 1 sp. and next 2 dc, *2 hdc in each ch 2 sp., 1 hdc in next 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc.* repeat from * to * around, join with a sl st in lst hdc.

Note: You can make a copy for personal use. Do not sell copies of my pattern, do not copy to another site without my permission. You can link back here.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Teddy Bear Coasters

Designed by: Katheryn Garner

Feb. 2010

Supplies: Size 10 crochet cotton

Hook: # 7 Boye

Directions: Ch. 5, join iwth sl st to form a ring. Ch 3, 15 dc in ring, join in top of ch 3.

Rnd. 01. Ch. 3, 3 dc, ch 3, sl st in same as join. ( 1st and last ch 3 counts as a dc.) Sc. in next 3 dc., sl st in next dc, ch 3, 3 dc, ch 3, sl st in same dc., sc in next 11 dc.

Rnd. 02. Ch 8, skip next 2 sts, sc in next dc., Ch 5. skip next 3 sts, trc in next st, ch 5, skip next 3 sts, sc in next dc., ch 5, skip 2 sts, dc in next sc, [ch 5 skip next sc, dc in next sc.] repeat 4 times. Ending with ch 5, sl st in 3rd ch of ch 8. ( 9 ch 5 loops )

Rnd. 03. Ch 3, 5 dc in next ch 5 space. dc in next sc, 5 dc in next space, dc in trc, 5 dc in next space, dc in next sc, [5 dc in next space and dc] repeat 6 times, sl st in top o fbeg ch 3 to join.

Rnd. 04. Ch 9, trc in same as join, holding last loop on hook. ( make triple cluster stitch as follows ) skip 2 dc, trc in next dc] repeat 1 time, thread over and through all 4 loops on hook. *Ch 5, trc in same dc as last trc, Ch 5, holding last st on hook, trc in same dc as last trc, [skip 2 dc, trc in next st] repeat 1 time. Thread over and through all 4 loops on hook. * repeat from * to * around, ending with last trc in same st as beg ch 9, ch 5, sl st in 4th ch. of ch 9.

Rnd. 05. Ch 4, *skip ch 5 space, trc in trc cluster st, [ch 2, trc] repeat 1 time in same cluster st. ch 1, 4 trc in next trc, ch 1* repeat from * to * around ending with 3 trc in base of ch 4 at beg, sl st to join in 3rd ch. of ch 4.

Rnd. 06. *sc in ch 1 space, dc in next trc, 2 dc in ch 2 space, dc in next trc, 2 dc in ch 2 space, dc in trc, sc in ch 1 space, dc in next 4 trc * repeat around, sl st to join in 1st sc.

Finish off:

Note: This designs belongs to katheryn Garner. It can be used for personal use, and you can make these coasters and sell them, but do not sell copies of this pattern. Do not post to other sites without my permission, link back to this pattern.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bullion Pot Holders Free Pattern

Supplies: 4 ply Worsted Weight 100 % cotton Yarn
Size E/4 Cro-Tat hook


Rnd. 01. Ch. 6, sl st to join.

Rnd. 02. Ch. 1, make 15 sc in ring, join in 1st sc.

Rnd. 03. Ch. 3, wind yarn 5 times around hook, pull loop up through same st as
Ch 3, yarn over hook, and pull through all 5 loops on hook, yarn over
hook, and pull through loop on hook. ( 1st bullion made ) * Yarn over
hook 5 times, pull loop up in next sc, yarn over hook pull through 5
loops on hook, yarn over, and pull through loop on hook.* repeat from
* to * around, join with sl st in top of ch 3 ( 15 bullions )

Rnd. 04. Ch 1, sc in same as join. Sc in each st around. ( 30 sc)

Rnd. 05. Ch 3, dc in same as ch 3 ( ch 3 counts as first dc ) * dc in next 2 sc, 2
dc in next sc* repeat from * to* around, join in top of ch 3. ( 40 dc )

Rnd. 06. Repeat round 03. ( 40 Bullions )
Rnd. 07. Repeat round 04.

Rnd. 08. Ch 3 counts as first dc, dc in next sc, repeat around, join in top of ch
Rnd. 09. Ch 1, pull up loop in next sc, and through ch 1 on hook ( 1st sl st
made) * pull up loop in next sc, and through loop on hook.* repeat
from * to * around, ending with remove hook from st. insert hook
from back to front of next st, and pull loop through to back. sc a
couple times to finish off.
Designed by Katheryn Garner, you can copy for personal use. Do not sell copies of this design, or any of my designs, but you can sell your finished work of my designs. Link back to my blog, do not put my designs on any other web site, or blog without my permission.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gold Metallic Snowflake Free Pattern

Gold Metallic Snow Flake

Designed by Katheryn Garner

Jan. 2010

Material supply:

Thread: Size 3 Gold Metallic cotton thread

Hook: Size 6 Boye

1" ring

Skill: easy

Stitches: sc, sl st, dc cluster, picots, trc.

size: 4"

Rnd. 01. Join thread with a sl st in ring. ch 1, 31 sc in ring, join with a sl st in ch 1. Note: For the beginner it might be best to use a stitch marker to tell where your ch 1 is at the beginning of the round.

Rnd. 02. Ch 3, dc in next 2 sc, (holding last loop on the hook, thread over and pull through all 3 loops on the hook, 3 dc cluster st made). * ch 5, skip 1 sc, 3 dc cluster stitch over the next 3 sc.* Repeat around from * to * ending with join in top of ch 3. ( 8 cluster sts, 8 ch 5 loops )

Rnd. 03. *Ch 3, skip 2 ch sts, 3 dc cluster in next ch st, ch 3, sc in next cluster
st.* repeat from * to * around, ending with ch 3 sc in base of first ch 3.

Rnd. 04. sl st in next 3 ch sts, and top of cluster st. ch 4, skip next ch 3 space, trc in next sc. ch 3, sl st in top of trc, ch 4 sl st in top of trc, ch 3 sl st in top of trc. ( 3 picot's made in top of trc ) *ch 4, skip next ch 3 space, sc in top of next 3 dc cluster. ch 4, skip next ch 3 space, trc in next sc, ch 3 picot, ch 4, picot, ch 3 picot in top of trc.* repeat from * to * around, ending with ch 4, sl st in base of first ch 4.

Finish off

Pineapple Coaster Free Pattern

Pineapple Coaster
Designed by: Katheryn Garner Dec. 2009

Material: Aunt Lydia Crochet Cotton
Size: 10 thread and 7 Boye hook
Color: White, Green, Red, Blue

Skill: Easy

Stitches: sl St, ch. SC. dc, picot, trc
Shell St: dc, ch 2, dc.
Cluster St: ch 4, trc, dc, thread over and pull through all
3 sts on hook.
Picot: ch 4, sl St in top of trc, ch 5, sl St in top of trc, ch 4 sl St in top of

Directions: Chain 4, 9 dc in 4th ch from hook, join with a sl St in top of beg. ch 3. ( 10 dc )

Rnd. 01: Ch 7, SC in same place as join. * SC in next dc, ch 7 SC in same dc.* repeat around ending with sl St in 1st ch St of ch 7. (10 ch 7 spaces )

Rnd. 02: Sl St in next 2 ch sts, SC in the next ch St. ch 5, dc in same space. *Ch 1, 6dc in next ch 7 space, ch 1, dc ch 2, dc in next ch 7 space* repeat around ending with ch 1, sl St in 3rd ch of beg. ch 5. ( 5 shells, 30 dc, 5 ch )

Rnd. 03: Sl St into ch 2 space, ch 5, dc in same space, * ch 1, SC in next 6 dc, ch 1, dc ch 2 dc in next ch 2 space* repeat around ending with ch 1, sl St in 3rd chain of ch 5. ( 5 shells, 30 SC, 5 ch )

Rnd. 04: Sl St into ch 2 space, ch 5, dc in same space, * ch 2, SC in next SC,( ch 3, SC in next SC) repeat 4 times. {Note: 5 ch 3 spaces} ch 2, dc ch 2 dc in next ch 2 space* repeat around ending with ch 2 sl St in 3rd ch of ch 5. ( 5 shells, 5 ch 2, 25 ch 3 spaces )

Rnd. 05: Sl St into ch 2 space, ch 5, dc in same sp. * ch 3, SC in next ch 3 space,(ch 3, SC in next ch 3 space) repeat 3 times. ch 3, skip next ch 2 space, dc ch 2 dc in next ch 2 space * repeat around ending with ch 3 sl St in 3rd ch of ch 5.
(5 shells, 5 ch 3, 20 ch 3 spaces )

Rnd. 06: Sl St into ch 2 space, ch 5, dc in same space. * ch 4, skip ch 3 space, SC in next ch 3 space (ch 3, SC in next ch 3 space) repeat 2 times, ch 4, dc ch 2 dc in next ch 2 space* repeat around ending with sl St in ch 3 of ch 5. ( 5 shells, 5 ch 4 spaces, 15 ch 3 spaces )

Rnd.07: Sl St into ch 2 space, ch 5, dc in same space, (ch 2 dc) repeat 1 time in same space. { Note: 4 dc with 3 ch 2 spaces} * ch 4, SC in next ch 3 space, (ch 3, SC in next ch 3 space) repeat 1 time. ch 4, ( dc, ch 2) repeat 3 times, dc in same ch 2 space. * repeat around ending with sl St in 3rd chain of ch 5.

Rnd. 08: Sl St into ch 2 space, ch 5, dc in same ch 2 space, (ch 2, dc ch 2 dc in next ch 2 space) repeat 1 time  Ch 5 * ( SC in next ch 3 space, ch 3, SC in next ch 3 space, ch 5,(dc ch 2 dc ch 2 in next ch 2 space) repeat 1 time, dc ch 2 dc in next ch 2 space, ch 5* repeat around ending with sl St in 3rd ch of ch 5

Rnd. 09: sl St into ch 2 space, chain 5, dc in same space.( ch 2, dc, ch 2, dc in next ch 2 sp.) repeat 3 times *ch 5, SC in next ch 3 space, ch 5 (dc, ch 2, dc, ch 2) repeat 3 times dc, ch 2, dc, * repeat around ending with ch 5, sl St in ch 3 of ch 5

Rnd. 10: sl St in ch 2 space, ( holding last loop on hook make a cluster St of) ch 4, trc, dc, thread over hook pull through all loops on hook in same ch 2 space, SC in next ch 2 space, make a cluster St of *( ch 4, trc, dc, in the same ch 2 space as last SC) sc in next ch space, repeat 6 times, SC in last ch 2 space. ch 5, trc in next SC, make a picot of ch 4, sl St in top of trc, ch 5, sl St in same St as before, ch 4 sl St in top of trc St,. ch 5, SC in next ch 2 space*, repeat around

Finish off: Starch, and block.  Have any question contact me at

Do not copy this pattern to another web site. You may link back to it. Do not sell copies of this pattern. You can make a working copy for personal use.   All rights to the design belong toKatheryn Garner

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Preview of Upcoming Coasters

These Coaster's are made in # 10 thread, with a size 10 boye hook. They are 6" blocked. I will be posting the directions soon. Let me know if you like this design.